​Q1) How did tribals practice sustainable practices before the britishers?

Dear Student,

a. Tribals represent a section of society who do not follow the social rules and rituals of the mainstream society .Many tribes obtain their livelihood from agriculture, they were hunter-gatherers or herders.
b.Tribes basically  represent a sustainable approach to life.
c.Most of the tribes were engaged in shifting agriculture before the advent of the British.
Shifting agriculture also known as slash and burn which is the the traditional agricultural practice in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America.In shifting cultivation, parts of a forest are cut and burnt in rotation, seeds are sown in ashes.
e. Shifting cultivation was a form of primitive subsistence farming, where cultivation is done to primarily meet the needs of the family members. It was practised in small patches of land.
f. Tribes basically used traditional/primitive tools for cultivation.
g. The communities were depended on monsoons to meet their irrigation needs and on the natural fertility of the land.
h. These communities used this form of cultivation to have small output that can cater to their needs and not meant for commercial purposes.


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