Q1. What are Einstein views about Education?(Albert Enstine to school)

Q2. Who is Elsa. What does she think is enough to pass the exams? (Albert Enstine to school)

Q3. Who is Yuri? What part does he play in Albert's Plan? (Albert Enstine to school)

Q4. What factors made Einstein's life in munch miserable? (Albert Enstine to school)

Dear Student,
Eisntein believed that education did not mean learning facts but thinking about ideas. He did not see any point in learning dates because one could always look them up in books, factual information like dates of battles or the number of men killed by armies could hardly contribute towards one's learning. Einstein was more interested in finding out why those soldiers were trying to kill each other which for him would constitute true learning-to go beyond facts and study ideas.

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