Q1) which gas is added to the atmosphere by the decay of organic matter
Q2) name the two forms of elemental oxygen found in the atmosphere

Dear student.

1. Nitrogen gas is added to the atmosphere by the decay of organic matter.


The two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere are:

(i) Diatomic molecular form with chemical formula O2 .

(ii) Triatomic molecular form with chemical formula O3 known as ozone.



  • -2
Answer of first question is nitrogen.
Second answer is o2 (oxygen gases) and o3(ozone)..
  • -2
Are you sure that the 1st answer is nitrogen???
  • -1
i) nitrogen gas is added to the atmosphere by the decay of organic matter
ii) there are two form of oxygen formed in the atmosphere one is elemental oxygen and the other is ozone
  • -2
Plzz answer this also I have my final exam tom :
Name the two things essential for existence of life on earth
  • -1
nitrogen,oxygen gas, ozone
  • 0
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