Q24 with reason fast

24. Organisms showing internal fertilisation shows reduction in number of ................. gamete and increase in number of ................. gamete.

(2)  Sperm, eggs


(4)  Male, female​​​​​

Dear student,

Option (3) is correct.

Internal fertilization may be defined as the process in which the fusion of the male gamete and the female gamete occurs inside the body of the female organism. This type of fertilization is independent of its environment. For example: In a human being the offspring is formed as the result of internal fertilization. Other examples are monkeys, cats, dogs, rats, etc. 

Organisms exhibiting internal fertilisation releases less number of female gametes and show an increase in the elease of male gametes. This is because they do not need to increase the chance of fertilisation which happens in case of external fertilisation. When the fertilisation is internal there is higher possibility of a fusion of gametes. After successful fertilisation, there will be a fewer risk from environmental factors for the internally fertilised egg and young ones.

A large number of male gametes released to ensure a higher rate of fertilisation
In external fertilisation, female gametes are released in higher number so as to ensure the chances of survival of young ones after fertilization 

Hope this helps!

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