Q3.Chandragupta Maurya was a great king.Discuss.

Dear Student,

Chandragupta Maurya (340 BC – 298 BC) is believed to be a great king in the history of India. Some of his important contributions are as follows:
  • Under his reign, India merged as a single entity for the first time.
  • Gangetic Plains were under the rule of Nanda Dynasty and most of South Asia consisted of small states. Chandragupta Maurya unified India by conquering most part of Indian subcontinent.
  • Chandragupta was the first to encounter a foreign invasion and state of depression and he also made the nation from the Greek control.
  • He also made north western India free from the successor of Alexander, the Greek general Seleucus Nikatar, by signing a treaty with them in 303 BC, thus acquiring some Seleucid regions under Mauryan control. He then married his daughter for setting up a friendship bond with Hellenistic kingdoms, which gave a push to India’s trade with western world.
  • After India’s unification, he also carried out some important political and social reforms, with the advice of Chanakya. With his strong administration and organised bureaucratic structure, trade and agriculture of India flourished making the economy very strong.
  • Under Mauryan Empire, art and architecture also thrived to great degree, and Jainism and Buddhism come to be important religions.
Chandragupta Maurya is recognised as the most influential ruler, including his grandson Ashoka. India’s unification under their reign laid the foundation of modern day India.


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