Ques. No. 10
Ques. No. 10 Document Viewer science Test Biology QI. What iS role af acid in Stomach 7 Q2,Give two difference between Veins Arteries? 03. HOW ate lungs designed in human being to the area fot Of eases? 7:43 PM 1/4 What are the different in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms? 3 QS_ tm a ways water and the where What was Ganga Action plan? Q7. Why large dams by nature enthusiasts? 08. Give the function and Source Of Q9. unit of its function. Q 10. all. Q 13. 014. QIS. 016. 017. Q 18. Q 19. Q21. Q22. 023. Q24. Q25. 026. Define the fdlOwing terms. (iii) ChipkO Andolan On w a neat diagram Of an excretory unit Of human kidney label fallowing parts, 5 0) s capsule Oil Artery (iii) Glomerulus (iv) Cdlecting unit (a) " are related to evolution. justify this Statement. Cive ways by which age Of Can be estimated. (b) List diffe trait tnit_ of buddng in Draw a well labelled diagram cf aplain in an with diagram Desaibe double Circulator' in human being with diagram explaining how flows From heart to other crean and then heart tc DiagQmmtiQI* of humn Why is the damage of ozone layer a cause of concen to us ? State a cause of this List four advantages of water stored in the ground as ground water. Write example each of the following movements: (a) positive phototrwism (b) negative phototropism (c) positive geotropism (d) geotropism chemotropism A blue loured flower nt denoted bv BE iS crossbred Wth that Of White plant by (a) State the colour of flower would expect in the" F t generation What must be the percentage Of White plants in F2 generation if flowers Of plants are self pollinated? State op«ted BB Eb in F. Distir«uish horwlogous and analcw_'s orgam. In which Qtegory muld You wings of bird wings of bat? Justify giving a suitable reason, 3 (a) of femle and where; egg fertilzatian takes place (iii) fertilized egg gets implanted [Escribe in brief the changes that the uterus to receive the zvgcte (ii)if is (a) Distinguish between pollination and fertilization, Mention the site and Of Fertilization in the D' mt of pistil "ming pollen growth and its entry in to What are necessary far prep ntion Of mount Of leaf peel to Show Whs it:Culd wild o

Dear Student,

1. Recycling- It is the process by which we can collect and process those objects which can otherwise be thrown away like trash by turning them into new materials and objects.
2. Sustainable development-It is the development which aims to satisfy present generation needs without compromising future generation the capability of future generation to use these resources for their own needs.
3. Chipko Andolan-It is a movement which is started to conserve trees.It is an organized resistance to destroy trees. 

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