Question no.46. explain step by step on pen and paper.

Question no.46. explain step by step on pen and paper. A mangie and a parallelogram have the same base and same area. the sides ot the mangle are 26 cm. 28 cm and 30 cm, and the parallelogram stands on the base 2S cm. find the height oi the parallelogram.

Area of triangle
By using heron's formula
a=26cm, b=28cm and c=30cm
area of triangle=root s(s-a)(s-b)(s-b)
=root 42(42-26)(42-28)(42-30)
=root 42(16)(14)(12)
= 2*2*2*2*3*7
area of parallelogram=height*base
let height of parallelogram be h
area of triangle =area of parallelogram (given)

hope it helps:)
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