Ramu starts from P towards Q at a speed of 30 kmph and after every 12 min increase his speed by 5 kmph. If the distance between P and Q is 52 km, then how much time does he take to cover the distance?

30*12/60 +35*12/60....N times=52
This has become an A.P with a d=5
sn=n/2(2a+(n-1) d)
here a=first term and d=difference 
Putting the values
By solving this we will get a quadratic equation-
By quadratic formula we get n=7 
So  time taken will be=12*7
72 minutes.
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30*12/60 +35*12/60....N times=52
Solving it and then we get-
(6+7.....n)=52   (We need to sum till then we get 52)
But here we get the answer as 51 so time will be in seconds.
After adding 7 numbers we get our answer 
So time taken will be 12*7=72 min(approx.)
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