Re arrange the following to form meaningful sentences.

1. (a) of the owner/ a computer virus / that can / infect a / computer / is a programme / without the knowledge. 
(b)can spread / or even a CD / a true virus / through the internet / or a USB drive 
(c) infect/ viruses / file system / the net work / the host files / corrupting / of
(d) install / anti-virus / many users / known viruses / software that / can detect and eliminate

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. A computer virus is a programme that can infect a computer without the knowledge of the owner.
  2. A true virus can spread through the internet or a USB drive or even a CD.
  3. kindly check the options.
  4. Many users install anti-virus software that can detect and eliminate known viruses.

  • -3
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