Read the dialogue and choose the correct options to complete the paragraph that follow.
CHILD : I want to buy a birthday card for my father.
SALESMAN : do you want to buy a big card or a small one ?
CHILD : I want any card that will show my father that I love him a lot.
SALESMAN : then you should make one yourself at home and write some loving sentences in it.

A child's told a salesman a)______________________ the salesman asked him b)______________________ The child told him c)_______________________ a lot . The salesman advised him d)______________________in it .

a) that he wanted to buy a birthday card for his father.
b) if he wanted to buy a big card or a small one.
c) that he wanted any card that would show his father that he loved him
d) that he should make one himself at home and write some loving sentences

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