Read the following conversation carefully and complete the following passage:-

ranbir where is my car? i remember parking it here. policeman: the car has been towed away as you parked it the no parking area ranbir: sir, can i be excused this time? policeman: i hope you will remember the lesson you learnt today ranbir asked the policeman standing there (a)-------the policeman replied (b)----------ranbir requested the policeman (c) the policeman then reminded him------- (d)-----------. 1)a) where was his car? he remembered parking it here. b) that where his car was? he remembered parking it there c) where his car was. he remembered parking it there. d) that where was my car? he remembered it was parked here. 2) a) that the car had been towed away because he had parked it in the no parking zone.b) that the car was towed away because he had parked it in the no parking zone.c) the car had been towed away because it had been parked in the no parking zone.3)a) to be excused that time.b) whether he could be excused that time.c) that the he should he excused.d) whether he could be excused this time.4)a) that he hoped he will have to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.b) that he hoped he should be able to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.c) that he has to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.d) that he hoped he would remember the lesson he had learnt that day.

1)  b

2)  a

3)  a

4)  d


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1. b




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