reason out the following statement 1)progesteron is called pregnancy hormone
2)missing of menses is the first indication of pregnancy
3) testis are present outside the body
hyaluronidase the lytic enzyme is released by the sperm

Dear Student,

1) Progesterone is known as pregnancy hormone as it plays a role in getting pregnant and maintaining it. Progesterone makes the uterus ready to accept and maintain a fertilized egg.

2) Missing menstruation indicates that the egg has been fertilised by the sperm.
So, after fertilization, the corpus luteum (formed from the remnant graafian follicle after ovulation) is retained to secrete progesterone which is essential for the maintenance of the endometrium to facilitate further embryonal development and thus menstruation ceases.
But in the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum degenerates which causes disintegration of the endometrium leading to menstruation.
So, if a woman missed her periods it might be a sign of pregnancy. This is further confirmed by tests.
Sometimes, problems in the reproductive system or hormonal imbalances also leads to missing of menstrual cycle. 

3) Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called the scrotum. The testes produce sperms. But for this they require a temperature, which is 2 – 2.5°C lower than the temperature of the rest of the body. Therefore, they are protected inside the scrotum.  

​​​​​​4) The lytic enzyme present in semen is hyaluronidase, which facilitates the entry of spermatozoa. This enzyme dissolves corona radiata, zona pellucida and vitelline membrane, enabling the sperm to penetrate these covering. It is also known as spermlysins they occur in sperms acrosome.


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1)Progesteron is called pregnancy hormone:-
Progesterone is sometimes called the "pregnancy hormone" because of the role it plays in getting pregnant and maintaining a pregnancyProgesterone gets the uterus ready to accept and maintain a fertilized egg. When a woman has her menstrual period, her progesterone level is usually low during the first few days.
2)Missing of menses is the first indication of pregnancy:-
A missed menstrual period is most often the first sign of pregnancy and is a common first trimester symptom. ... This small amount of bleeding that happens at the time of the expected menstrual period occurs because the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. This is referred to as implantation bleeding.
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3) Testis are present outside the body:-
The testicles hang in the scrotum by the spermatic cord. They are outside the body because they need to be cooler than the temperature inside the body, in order to make sperm. If a man's testicles get cold, they are automatically pulled closer to the body.
4)Hyaluronidase the lytic enzyme is released by the sperm:-
The lytic enzyme present in semen is hyaluronidase, which facilitates the entry of spermatozoa. This enzyme dissolves corona radiata, zona pellucida and vitelline membrane, enabling the sperm to penetrate these covering. It is also known as spermlysins they occur in sperms acrosome........
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given explanation above is correct
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