Report on Mendel?s work and its rediscovery. 2 sheets

Dear student,
I am providing you with basic information on Mendel's work. Kindly work on preparing a report on your own. Please find below the answer:

Mendel selected true-breeding pea plants with contrasting characteristics for his experiment. For example, a tall plant is said to be true-breeding when all its progeny formed after self-pollination is tall. He made the following cross:

Studying the cross:
TT, tt, and Tt are genotypes while the traits, tall and dwarf, are phenotypes.  T stands for tall trait while t stands for the dwarf trait.  Even if a single ‘T’ is present in the genotype, phenotype is ‘tall’. When ‘T’ and ‘t’ are present together, ‘T’ dominates and suppresses the expression of ‘t’. Therefore, T (for tallness) is dominant trait while t (for dwarfness) is a recessive trait.  TT and tt are homozygous while Tt is heterozygous. He proposed the law of dominance as:

Law of Dominance
According to this law, characters are controlled by discrete units called factors, which occur in pairs with one member of the pair dominating over the other in a dissimilar pair. This law explains expression of only one of the parental character in F1 generation and expression of both in F2 generation.

Again from the same cross, it can be found that alleles of parental pair separate or segregate from each other and only one allele is transmitted to the gamete. Gametes of TT will have only T alleles; gametes of tt will have only t alleles, but gametes of Tt will have both T and t alleles. He proposed the law of segregation as:

​Law of Segregation
  • This law states that the two alleles of a pair segregate or separate during gamete formation in such a way that a gamete receives only one of the two factors.

  • In homozygous parents, all gametes produced are similar; while in heterozygous parents, two kinds of gametes are produced in equal proportions.

Hope this clears your doubt.

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