rewrite as sentence

1 graham bell invented the telephone to improve was first of one his jobs by (statement)
2 know you it improving do earned he much by how
3 it paid a western union 100000 dollars company called for him (statement)
4 a bulb had to out carry he good thousand tests six make electric to (statement)
5 patience have it how must needed much (exclamation )
6 edison insprition to life the try from get of ( command)

1. ​One of the first jobs of Graham Bell was to improve his invented telephone.
2. Do you know how much he earned by improving it?
3. A company called Western Union paid him 100000 dollars for it. 
4. He had to carry out six thousand tests to make a good electric bulb. 
5. How much patience it must have needed!
6. Edison tried to get inspiration from life. 

  • 42
One of the first jobs of Graham Bell was to improve his invented telephone.
  • 10
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