Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each and making other changes that may be necessary, without changing the meaning of any sentence.

1. To the best of my knowledge, he is vegetarian. (Begin: As far as .)2. The train journey from Kolkata to Asansol takes three hours. (Begin: It is a .)3. The peon cannot leave unless I permit him. (Use: without)4. Kindly leave the bag here, Madam, said the porter. (Change the narration)5. The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it. ( Remove: so.that)

6. He was a poet as well as a statesman. (Combine to make a negative sentence)7. As soon as the awards were announced, the winners walked to the podium. (Begin: No sooner)8. No one came as late as Diana to the party. . (Change to superlative)9. The thought of being alone terrified her. (change the voice)10. Put your books aside, people may fall over them. (Use: lest)Question 3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: [5]1) I looked . my nephew while his parents went out.2) We should not look . upon the poor.3) Farmers look . to a better standard of living.4) The principal promised to look . her case.5) I am trying to look . my key.Can you please give me the answers

Dear student,

1. As far as I know, he is a vegetarian.

2. It is a three hour journey from Kolkata to Asansol.

3. Without my permission, the peon can't leave.

4. The porter requested madam to leaver her bag there.

5. The tea is too hot for me to drink it.

6. He is not only a poet but also a statesman.

7. No sooner were the awards announced than the winners walked to the podium.

8. Diana was the last to come to the party.

9. She was terrified by the thought of being alone.

10. Put your books aside lest people should fall over them.

1. after 2.down, 3.forward, 4.into 5.for


  • 2

1. As far as I know, he is a vegetarian.

2. It is a three hour journney from Kolkata to Asansol.

3. Without my permission, the peon can't leave.

4. The porter requested madam to leaver her bag there.

5. The tea is too hot for me to drink it.

6. He is not only a poet but also a statesman.

7. No sooner did the awards were announce than the winners walked to the podium.

8. Diana came most late to the party.

9. She was terrified by being alone.

10. Put your books aside lest the people should fall over them.

Question3 : 1. after, 2.down, 3.forward, 4.after, 5.for

  • 5

1. As far as i know, he is a vegetarian takes three hours for the train journey from kolkata to asansol

3.The peon cannot leave without my permission

4."kindly leave your bag here madam " said the porter

5.The tea is too hot to drink ti

6.he is not only a poet but also a statesman sooner were the awards announced ,that they came to the podium

8.diana was the last to attend the party

9.she was terrified of being alone

10.put your books aside lest people fall over them

  • 2

your second main ans:





  • 3

your second main ans:





  • 1

we should not look - upon the poor

  • 3
What are you looking for?