samsung electronics has launched 2 mobile handsets.set 1 and set 2 . set 1 is cheaper as compared to set 2 . but set 2 has a built in device to recharge the battery with auto cut power supply when fully charged. in a lot there are 250 pieces of set one out of which 10 of them are defective and 100 pieces of set 2 out which 3 are defective. if a mobile is picked at random.
1)find the probability of getting a non defective set 1
2)find the probability of getting a non defective set2

experts pls... help..!!

Number of set 1 mobiles = 250Number of set 2 mobiles = 100Total number of mobiles in the lot = 250 + 100 = 350Now, number of defective set 1 mobiles = 10Number of non defective set 1 mobiles = 250 - 10 = 240Number of defective set 2 mobiles = 3Number of non defective set 2 mobiles = 100 - 3 = 971.Let E be the event of getting a non defective set 1 mobile.nE = 240Total number of mobiles in the lot = 350nS = 350PE = nEnS = 240350 = 24352.Let F be the event of getting a non defective set 2 mobile.nF =97Total number of mobiles in the lot = 350nS = 350PF = nFnS = 97350  

  • -3
1) 240/ 250 =  24/25
2) 97/100
hope this helps......
  • 2
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