Short not on distaster managment

Write the short not on disaster managment
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Dear student,
1) Surface-based types
(i) These types of cyclones are tropical, extra tropical and subtropical.
(ii)Tropical cyclones form due to latent heat forced by heavy thunderstorm activity and are warm core.

2) Upper level types
(i) Upper level types of cyclones are polar, sub-polar or arctic cyclone (polar vertex) and TUTT cells.
(ii) Polar cyclones are vast areas of low pressure which strengthen in the winter and weaken in the summer.
(iii) Upper tropospheric cyclonic vertices also known as TUTT cells usually move slowly from east-northeast to west-southwest and generally do not extend below 20,000 feet in altitude.

3) Other types
(i) Other types are mesocyclones, tornadoes, dust devils, waterspouts and steam devils. These cyclones are usually severe and affect the coastlines badly.
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