short notes on craftpersons( ten sentences)

  1. Nearly 2500 years ago the kings and kingdoms worked with the support of flourishing villages and in most  villages there were some crafts persons such as the blacksmith, potter, carpenter and weaver.
  2. Craft persons lived in cities as well and would often sell their products at the regular markets.
  3. Crafts were well developed in those times and the crafts persons were highly skilled labourers. Also many a times they were rewarded for their works by the kings or rulers.
  4. Inscriptions from many cities and villages mention the works of goldsmiths, blacksmiths, weavers, basket makers, garland makers, perfumers.
  5. Their work was discovered through archaeological evidences. Example – A Northern Black Polished Ware was typically a form of fine pottery that had black coloured wares with a fine glossy sheen.
  6. Craft persons were skilled persons who later on formed associations known as shrenis.
  7. These associations provided training to the aspiring crafts persons, obtained raw material, and distributed the finished product
  8. There were many beautiful forms of pottery like amphorae, from the Mediterranean region, preparing tall double-handled jars that contained liquids such as wine or oil.
  9. Arretine Ware - A stamped red-glazed pottery, named after a city in Italy. This type of pottery used pressing wet clay into a stamped mould. 

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