short notes on xylem and phloem in detailed..

Xylem and phloem are conducting tissues and constitute a vascular bundle. Vascular or conductive tissue is a distinctive feature of complex plants. This tissue makes possible their survival in the terrestrial environment.


Xylem is mainly concerned with the conduction of water and minerals. It also provides mechanical support to a plant.It forms a continuous channel through the roots, stems, leaves and other aerial parts.The cells of xylem have thick walls, and many of them are dead cells.

The different parts of xylem are as follows:


Phloem is the chief food-conducting tissue of plants.It is responsible for the translocation of organic solutes. It is present in the innermost layer of the bark in a tree.

The different parts of phloem are as follows:



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  1. xylem helps in transportation of water and minerals.
  2. the roots absorb water and minerals from soil and send it to ther parts of the body via xylem.
  3. xylem consiste of : xylem parenchyma , xylem fibres, vessels and tracheids.
  4. the roots absorb ions this creates difference in pressure because of which water rises up into roots to remove the differennce and hence water moves from soil into xylem tissue.


  1. phloem helps in transportation of products of photosynthesis.
  2. this movement of food is known as translocation.
  3. food is transportated from leaves to other parts of the plant body.
  4. plhoem consists of phloem parenchyma. sieve tubes , companion cells and phloem fibres
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