Short summary on poem the tale of custard and the dragon

Dear Student,

'The Tale of Custard the Dragon' is a whimsical fantasy in verse about Belinda, who lives alone in her house with four pets, a dog, a cat, a mouse, and a dragon named Custard. The dragon is called Custard because the other pets think him a coward. Custard, the dragon acts cowardly around his friends and cries for a cage. The other creatures taunt him and laugh at his fearfulness, until one day when a pirate arrives. Custard gobbles him up and shows his friends that he can be brave in certain circumstances.  However, when a real danger arrives in the form of a pirate bent on mayhem, only Custard is ready with a suitably ferocious response. After the danger is past, everyone begins to boast again about their courage, and Custard agrees that everyone else is braver than he is.


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