Show the Formation of H2SO4 by the transfer of electron . (Electron Dot structure reaction)

Dear student,

Sulphuric Acid is H2SO4
Add up the valence electrons in each element.
H has 1, S has 6, and O also has 6.
Therefore,2(1) + (6) + 4(6) = 32 valence electrons
Divide this number by 2 = 16 electron pairs, which are either shared by bonded elements or are lone pairs in the Lewis Structure
The Lewis structure should look like below in figure(a).
The lines are electron pairs, and a pair of dots are also electron pairs. 
If you count the number of electrons pairs, you should see 16 of them. 
Hydrogen can have a maximum of 2 electrons, while the other elements can have a max of 8.
Sulphur forms co-ordinate bonding with two O-atoms and covalent bonding with OH in figure (b) and (c).


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