Similarity and difference between human beings and amoeba??

Dear student, 
​Please find below the solution to the asked query        

Similarity: Both Amoeba and humans have holozoic mode of nutrition and require energy for growth and maintenance of their body.

  • Amoeba is unicellular and has pseudopodia for capturing food.
  • Humans are multicellular and have complex process of ingestion, digestion, absorption etc.​
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
​If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.  

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amoeba is unicellular
humans are multi cellular
both do heterotrophic  mode of nutrition
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humans are multicellular and amoeba is unicelluler 
every cell in humans have different fnction and amoeba have to perform all the labour by just one cell
humans lifespan is more than amoeba 
amoeba and humans both reproduce,breath,etc...

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