Sir/ma'am plz answer e part

Dear Student
Length= 1 m = 100 cm
Breadth= 85 cm
Perimeter= 370 cm
Cost of 1 cm frill= 5 Rs.
Cost of 370 cm frill = 370*5
= 1850 Rs.
Total cost of the frill = 1850 Rs.
​ Regards​​​​​​

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Length of the desk= 1 m=100 cm
Breadth of the desk= 85 cm
Area of the rectangular desk= ( length?breadth)
= (100?85) cm
= 8500 cm
Cost of 1 cm frill= 8 Rs.
Cost of 8500 cm frill= 8500 ? 5
= 42500 Rs.
Cost of the frill is 42500 Rs.
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This is the answer

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Length= 1 m = 100 cm
Breadth= 85 cm
Perimeter= 370 cm
Cost of 1 cm frill= 5 Rs.
Cost of 370 m frill = 370?5
= 1850 Rs.
Total cost of the frill = 1850 Rs. ANS.
(The last answer of mine was wrong but this one is correct.)
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