Sodium and sodium ions:
* Are chemically same
*Have same number of electrons
*Have the same number of protons
*None of the above

Dear Student

Sodium is the neutral element denoted by Na having 11 protons and 11 electrons, whereas sodium ion or sodium cation is a charged specie having 11 protons and 10 electrons, as Na looses 1 electron to form the positive charge specie of Na+.
The neutral and the charged specie have different chemical properties due to the availability of different no. of electrons in their valence shell.

Thus, option 3 is correct. Na and Na+ have same no. of protons because no. of protons of an element does not change during the formation of it's respective ion.


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The answer is they have same no. Of neutrons becaus during formation of ions only electrons are lost and due to whick chemical properties alse change
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Answer will be this they have same no. of protons because an electron will get lost during Na+ formation but the proton number will remain same/constant. So correct option is no 3.
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