Solve 16th one and give proper explanation
Q.16. B C l 3 does not exist as a dimer but B H 3 exists as B 2 H 6 because
(a) C l 2 is more electronegative than hydrogen
(b) large size of chlorine atom does not fit between small sized boron atoms, while small-sized hydrogen atoms occupy the space between boron atoms
(c) there is p π - d π back bonding in B C l 3
(d) both (b) and (c)

BH3 is an electron deficient compound which has an empty p orbital or we can say 6 electron in its outermost shell. As the size of Hydrogen is small therefore it facilitates the dimerisation of BH3 through 3 entered 2 electron bond. This dimerisation results in the formation of B2H6 ( diborane ), where the single hydrogen is shared between two boron atoms.
On the other hand, BCl3 does not dimeries due to its small size. As the size of boron is small therefore it is unable to accommodate 4 large chlorine atoms at the same time.

Thus, correct option is (d).

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