solve Q 17 ans. 2M plz dont give link

solve Q 17 ans. 2M plz dont give link .16 Q.17 QIR Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 0.23 Determine the volume (in mC) otdilLlted nitric acid 1.11 g mL l, w/v H.X();) thntcanbc prepared by diluting 50 mL ofcone_ IINO/ with water (d 21.42 g mL l, 69.8% w 500 ml of2 MNaCl solution was mixed with 200 ml ol'2 M NaCl solution. Calculate (he final and tmlarity ofNaCl in linal solution if final solution his density .5 gm'ml. Calculate the amount watcr "in m f"which must he added to a given solution Ofconcentration Of 40 mg silver nitrate per to yield a solution Of concentration Of 16 mg silver nitrate per ml ? A mixture containing equimolar amounts Of Ca(OH). and AI(OH), requires O.S L of 4.0 VI I to react With it completely. Total moles Of the mixture are 500 gm or urea solution of mole fraction 0.2 is diluted to I SOO gm. Calculate the fraction Of solute in the diluted solution ? When V ml of2,2 M VliS04 solution is mixed with I O V rill ofwatcr, the volume contraction Of2% take place. Calculate the molarity diluted solution What volume (in mC) of 0.8 M AICII solution should be mixed with 50 of0.2M CaCl, solutio .4 to get solution ofchloride ion concentration equal to 0.6 M ? An oleum sample iOahclled as 1 18 Calculate Mass or H2S04 in 100 gm oleum sample.

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