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The energy by virtue of motion of motion of the body is called its Kinetic energy for example in moving car, flowing water etc.

​​​​​​Kinetic energy = 12mv2
where m= mass of the object ; v= speed of the object.

Potential energy is by virtue of position and configuration.
Whenever in a bow and arrow system string is stretched it acquires potential energy and when released the arrow acquires motion i.e kinetic energy. A ball thrown or dropped from a height falls with increasing speed is also an example of conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy.

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5) Kinetic energy is the energy associated with the movement of objects. The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its mass and velocity, with its velocity playing a much greater role. Let a body of mass M move with velocity V. K.E=21​MV2,     its SI unit is Jule

6)The example to show the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy when put in use is: A stone at a height has the potential energy due to its lifted or raised position. In the figure below when the stone is dropped from that position, it begins to fall. The falling stone has kinetic energy. Thus, the potential energy stored in the stone in its raised position changes into kinetic energy when the stone is falling. This kinetic energy does work on the nail as the stone strikes the nail and makes the nail move into the wood. Similarly, in the other figure below the potential energy possessed by the stone at a height changes into its kinetic energy when it falls, The kinetic energy of the falling stone does work in raising the weight upwards.
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