Solve this:
Q. 2x + 3y = 17
3x - 2y = 6

Dear student,

We have,2x+3y=17             --(1)   ×33x-2y=6                --(2)   ×2On multiplying eq (1) by 3 and eq (2) by 2 we get  6x+9y=51  6x-4y=12-   +        -         13y=39       y=3913       y=3   Put y=3 in (1)2x+3×3=17 2x=17-92x=8x=82x=4Thus the value of x is 4 and y is 3


  • 1
2x + 3y =17
3x - 2y = 6

Rearranging 2x + 3y =17 
2x = 17 - 3y
x = (17  - 3y)/2

Now replacing x with  (17  - 3y)/2  in 3x - 2y = 6
3{ (17  - 3y)/2 }  -2y  = 6
(51/2) - (9/2)y -2y = 6
-(13/2)y  = 6 -  51/2 = -39/2
y = 3
x  = (17  - 3y)/2  = ( 17 -9)/2 = 8/2 = 4
x=4, y = 3
  • -1
Image result for 2x + 3y = 12

Image result for 3x - 2y = 6

These are the graphs for these equations.
A friend above has given the solutions for the equations.
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