Solve this:-
Q.):-  The refractive index of a medium 'x' with respect to 'y' is 2/3 and the refractive index of medium 'y' with respect to 'z' is 4/3.  Calculate the refractive index of medium 'z' with respect to 'x'.

Dear Student ,

Let X, Y and Z be the refractive index of the three mediums wrt to air. 

According to the problem, 

X/Y = 2/3  ....(i)


Y/Z = 4/3  .....(ii)

Multiplying (i) and (ii), we get

X/Z = 8/9

=> Z/X = 9/8

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speed of light in medium Y/speed of light in medium X= 2/3
s of  light in medium Z/s of light in medium Y=4/3

S of light in X= 3* ( s of light in Y)/2
s of light in Z = 4*( s of light in Y)/3

REFRACTIVE  index of medium Z with respect to medium X=3* ( s of light in Y)/2 divided by  4*( s of light in Y)/3

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