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Solve this: Fird cut antonym of tt-e word literate in the fir* paragraph. Which •eüd In the second paragraph means as perform? vii. Firki a word, which rneans the traditional in third paragraph. vii. The wcrd in the third paragraph næns ttp sarne as 'obstructions'. (Writing and Grammar Sect10n) 20 marks 3. a story in 200-250 words, with the •Wherever John goes to uncle Sam's feels that different. He feels, that Neil, tus supernatural powers. Whenever he is 4 marks. 4. You are Arpit Of class IX, you were the arrhor for amual day fuxtim at your today. Make a dairy entry in about 100-120 words sharing your experience arri felings. You can use the following dtB.• Anchor- went well ot advice — Mr. Narerdra Modi, Chief Guest- impressed everyone-inn—O day. 4 marks 5. Fill in me with the correct form of wtyds given in bracket. (learn) Engli*' for *ven years rx:jw. But last year I that's why my marks (not really good then. As I want to next year, I (study) harder this term. 5 marks 6. There is an error in each line. Write the irxorrect correction in the Satyajit Roy, wt•ich conceived u. a bog qu antity iii. films, were one of India's iv. most talent«l film maker 7. Rearrange to form ii. years iii. 30 marks Literature Section 8. Read ttw extract carefully answer qtAion that fc"ows: I chatter, chatter as I now. To Pin the mrnming river, For men may come and men may But I go on forever. i. The flows. u. What is the releva nce of bri rnming river? (not work) hard enough for Er*l. (ßß) my exam 3 marks 4 marks iii. Why has ttæ v.•ord chatter been res*ated? iv. Who is •r 9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 each i. Why was the grandmother i n tears? i. Why was in tre villa? iii. What ha ppened to m.'ke on evenim Oct±er 12, 1957? lv. Why does the cxtet not choose the first road? v. Who was Write in br ief about him? i. am indecrndent•, based on statement the grandrmttv, an nuke u. Duke was an extraordi na ry dog. it how? I. Attonpt eittW Part A Part B Part A Sketch character Lilliput. the utuswtlans towards Gulliver. st•oul.d weatt*r forecasa to trip? Me views tNs matter and why? 10

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