Some friends planned to contribute equally to jointly buy a CD player. However, two of them decided to withdraw at the last minute. As a result, each of the others had to shell out one rupee more than what they had planned for. If the price (in Rs.) of the CD player is an integer between 1000 and 1100, find the number of friends who actually contributed ?

Dear student,

Let the number of friends initially be n and let the contribution of each be x.Given, nx = (n - 2)(x + 1) = nx - 2x + n - 2n = 2(x + 1)We tabulate the possible values of x, n and nx below:
x n nx
21 44 920
22 46 1012
23 48 1104
24 50 1200

As 1000 < nx <1100, (x , n) = (22, 46)i.e. n = 46Hence, number of friends who actually contributed = n - 2 = 44


  • 6
1050 rupees
  • -2
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