some poor childern use recycled paper to make conical party caps with radius 7cm and slant height 15cm and sell it on a street stall.
How much would they earn profit on selling 50 caps? the selling price of cap is 50 paise per cm.sq .While it costs Rs 10 per 100 cm.sq?

Dear student,

Required curved surface area of 1 cone=πrl=227×7×15=22×15=330cm2Area of 50 caps=50×330=16500 cm2SP=16500×0.50=16500×50100=16500×12=Rs 8250CP of 1000 cm2=10CP of 1 cm2=101000CP of 16500 cm2=16500 ×101000=Rs 165Profit=SP-CP=Rs 8250-Rs 165=Rs 8085

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