sowing with a seed drill is better than a traditional tool

a seed drill ensures the proper distance between the seed and is less time consuming, while the traditional method of broadcasting or funnel method may less accurate and more time consuming than the seed drill method

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Using a seed drill is a better way to sow seeds because:-

1) It saves time and labour.

2) Seeds are sown at a proper distance from each other. This precents the competition of two seeds which have fallen at the same place for water, sunlight, nutrients, etc.

3)Seeds are sown at proper depth. This checks that the seeds are covered by soil so that damage caused by birds is prevented.

hope this helps... :)

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Using a seed drill is a better way to sow seeds because:-

1)It saves time and labour.

2)Seeds are sown at a proper distance from each other. This precents the competition of two seeds which have fallen at the same place for water, sunlight, nutrients, etc.

3)Seeds are sown at proper depth.This checks that the seeds are covered by soil so that damage caused by birds is prevented.

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If we sow seeds with broadcasting method the plants will be overcrowded. If we sow seeds withSEED DRILL thenthe plants will not be overcrowded.
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It is better to use a seed drill than a traditional tool for sowing because a seed drill ensures proper distance between the seeds whereas in case of the traditional methods the seeds may lie too close to each other and start competing for air ,space and nutrients.Also the seed drill sows the seeds at proper depth.The seeds do not lie very close to the surface and are not eaten away by birds or they do not lie deep below the surface and be deprived of oxygen for germination.Finally a seed drill saves more time and labour when compared to the traditional method.
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