state few similarities between method and procedure

Both, method and procedure are standing plans i.e, both are used for activities that occur regularly over a period of time in the life of the business. Also, both method and procedure prescribe steps to carry our a task in pre-determined steps to be followed.

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  (i)  SCOPE           : Procedure has a wide scope as it lays down sequence of all activities to be completed.
  (ii) FLEXIBILITY: Procedure are more rigid as compared to methods.
  (iii)PURPOSE      : Procedure aims to develop steps for completing.

(i)SCOPE             : Methods have limited scope as they are confined   to one step of procedure.
(ii)FLEXIBILITY: Methods are flexible statements.
(iii)PURPOSE     : Methods aims to standardise the way of completing a task.
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Shri Laxmi thanks for the answer.. but i want similarities not differences
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