State the consideration you will keep in mind while forming a continuous frequency distribution.

Dear student. The following are some five basic rules that should be kept in mind when constructing a continuous frequency distribution. 1)- Number of Classes -Number of classes pretty much depend on the size of data. In statistics, it is a common practice to keep number of class between 5 and 20. Too many classes will kill the purpose of data condensation into meaningful groups. At the same time, too few classes will result into loss of information. Therefore, we always need to strike an appropriate balance. 2)- Range of Variable - To pick up correct number of classes, it is important to determine the range of variable data, by taking difference between the largest and the smallest values in the data. 3)- Class Interval - Divide Range by Number of Classes To determine the approximate width or class interval, divide range (from step 2) by number of classes and round to next higher whole number. This will give us equal class interval. If equal class-intervals are inconvenient or may be undesirable, then classes of unequal size are used. But in practice, intervals that are multiple of 5 or 10, are commonly used as people can understand them easily. 4- Determine Class Limits - The lowest class usually starts with smallest data value or a number less than it. It is better if it is a multiple of class-interval. Find the upper class boundary by adding the width of the class-interval to the lower class-boundary and write down the upper class limits too. The open-end classes, i.e. classes with the lowermost or uppermost class boundary unknown should be avoided if possible. By adding the class-interval repeatedly, you should determine the remaining class-limits and class boundaries. 5) - Distribute Data into Classes- The best way to distribute the data into the appropriate classes is by using a “Tally-Column” where values are tabulated against appropriate classes by merely making short bars or tally marks to represent them. It is customary for convenience in counting to place the first four bars vertically and the fifth one diagonally and to leave a space. The number of tallies is then written in the frequency column. The tally column is usually omitted in the final presentation of the frequency distribution. But in case of small number of values, the actual values should be shown against each class to mitigate chances of error. Regards

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