state the role of MNCs in depletion of fresh water?

Dear Student,

a.    Water is available in abundance, around three fourth of earth is covered with water. However, only a small  proportion of it actually accounts for fresh water which can be put to use rest is saline water not suitable for human consumption.
b.     Water is a scarce resource and a life sustaining resource.

c. Setting up of MNC's have rather burdened our water resources causing shortage and virtual depletion of our fresh water resources. Rise of industrial units , their growing use of water became one of the factors for water scarcity.
d.  They use water to generate power and to meet other needs
e. Further, ​Bad quality of water due to pollution, dumping of chemical and industrial waste, garbage dumping also accounts for shortage of water
Apart from that industries need electricity remain operational and carry out production, much of their energy needs come from hydroelectric power


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