State true or false:
  1. All right angles are congruent.
  2. Every angle is congruent to its supplement.
  3. If the area of 2 circles is equal, they are congruent.
  4. If the area of 2 rectangles is equal, they are congruent.
  5. If three angles of 2 triangles are equal, they are congruent.
  6. To be congruent, 2 figures must have the same shape.
Answer fast and don't provide any links.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

True or False :

1 ) All right angles are congruent. True

2 ) Every angle is congruent to its supplement. False

3 ) If the area of 2 circles is equal, they are congruent. True

4 ) If the area of 2 rectangles is equal, they are congruent. False

5 ) If three angles of 2 triangles are equal, they are congruent.False

6 ) To be congruent, 2 figures must have the same shape.False

Hope this information will clear your doubts about Congruence of Triangles .

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