State weatherthe followingis triangle/not a] AB= 7 cm , BC= 8cm , AC= 7cm

Dear student,....If sum of Any two side of triangle is greater than third side then it is said to be triangle CASE(1)..,Now, AB+BC is greater than AC i.e. 7+8 = 15 which is greater than 7 ...CASE(2)...AB+AC is greater than BC i.e...7+7=14 which is greater than 8 ...CASE(3)..BC+AC is greater than AB i.e..8+7=15 which is greater than 7 from all the 3 cases the given sum is triangle..... regards

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Hi there, @Dharani!

I think I can help you out here!
The way to find out if a triangle can exist is to make sure that a sum of two of its sides must be only greater than the third side. 
So, here-
7 + 7 = 14 > 8
7 + 8 = 15 > 7
8 + 7 = 15 > 7

This is a possible triangle. ^^
Hope this helps! 

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