Study the given data and answer the following questions.


F1(first generation of offspring)

F2 ( offspring  of self pollination of F1)

Male parent always bore red flowers.

Female parent always had white


330 seeds sown and observed


All 330 gave red flowers

Out  of 44 seeds 33 seeds gave plants with red flowers and 11 seeds gave plants with white flowers


1)  What is the term for this type of cross?

2) What does the data of coloumn marked F1 indicate?

3) Express the genotype of  a) parents  b)F1 progeny and c)F2 progeny.

 1)this is a monohybrid cross

2)it indicates that red is the dominant charater for colour for flowers. also it further supports the monohybrid cross as no new character or part charracter is shown


a)male - RR


b)f1 progeny-Rr

c)here the genotype cannot be expressed. only the genotypic ratio can be expressed which is RR:Rr:rr=1:2:1

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Study the given date and answer the questions following the data: Parental plants cross fertilized and seeds collected F1 First generation off springs F2 of off springs of self-pollination of F3 Male parents always bare red flowers, Female parent always had white flowers 330 seeds sown and red flowers and 11 seeds gave plants with white flowers. a) What is the term for this type of cross? b) Express the genotype of thei. Parents ii. F1 progeny iii. F2 progeny
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