Table1 to 10 show

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Brightly colored to make it as exciting as possible for children, it is a great tool for parents and teachers.
The large lettering allows for practice in reciting the times tables and for quizzes to be played with the chart.

Download the free 1-10 Times Tables Chart >>


Multiplication Chart – Times Tables 1-10

In addition to the chart above, you can also use this multiplication chart to 100. The chart is organized with the factors 1-10 listed across the top row and down the the first column. The product of the factors is found where two factors intersect on the chart.

For example, you can see that where factors 5 and 8 intersect, the answer 40 appears.

This chart is also ideal for learning to skip count (see below for details).

Visit our multiplication chart 1-100 page for more information on these types of charts >>.


Download the printable Multiplication Chart to 100 >>

Using the times tables chart

Times tables can be challenging to learn so here are some suggestions to make it fun and interesting for your child:

  • Practice makes perfect – when learning a new times table have your child recite the times table from the chart.
  • Focus on one factor at a time – Stick to one factor and ‘play’ with it until your child becomes familiar with it and its products. Remember – committing all the products to memory will take time, it won’t happen in one sitting!
  • Work in sections – Start with the easier times tables – two, three, five and ten are generally the easier ones to learn.
  • Simplify the task – If your child is only starting to learn the times tables it might be better to begin with the 1-5 times tables chart.
  • Find the answer – call out random multiplication questions and have your child find the answer on the chart.
  • Times Table Videos – there are many great videos online that you can use to help teach your child the times tables. See our times table video page for our recommendations >>.
  • Hundreds Chart – use a hundreds chart to show your child how multiplication works. You can use a hundreds chart to demonstrate the multiplication patterns that each times table creates.
  • Skip Counting – try teaching your child to skip count. Skip counting is when you count in increments other than one.For example skip counting by two goes like this: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Skip counting is a good math skill for kids to learn – it improves their ability to understand multiplication, plus it gives children the ability to count objects faster (counting objects by two is much faster than counting by one). See our skip counting worksheets.
  • Race against the clock – with a stop watch time how long it takes to recite a times table off the chart or from memory. Record the times so that you can have your child try to beat their best time.
  • Remember – it doesn’t matter in what order the 2 numbers are that you are multiplying; the result will be the same. For example, 4 x 6 and 6 x 4 both equal 24. A lot of kids would know that 6 x 4 = 24, but if you asked them 4 x 6 they would scratch their heads.

1-10 Times Tables Summary

Teaching times tables can be difficult but, with the right tools and variety of approaches you can make it fun and interesting for your child.

Take care to ensure that you only use the chart as a teaching aid – children still need to understand the concept of “X lots of Y”.

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1 ? 1 =} 1. 2 ? 1 =} 2. 3 ? 1 =} 3.
1 ? 2 =} 2. 2 ? 2 =} 4. 3 ? 2 =} 6.
1 ? 3 =} 3. 2 ? 3 =} 6. 3 ? 3 =} 9.
1 ? 4 =} 4. 2 ? 4 =} 8. 3 ? 4 =} 12.
1 ? 5 =} 5. 2 ? 5 =} 10. 3 ? 5 =} 15.
1 ? 6 =} 6. 2 ? 6 =} 12. 3 ? 6 =} 18.
1 ? 7 =} 7. 2 ? 7 =} 14. 3 ? 7 =} 21.
1 ? 8 =} 8. 2 ? 8 =} 16. 3 ? 8 =} 24.
1 ? 9 =} 9. 2 ? 9 =} 18. 3 ? 9 =} 27.
1 ? 10 =} 10. 2 ? 10 =} 20. 3 ? 10 =} 30.
--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
  • 0
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