take two glasses filled with water.
put a drop of blue or red ink slowly and carefully along the sides of the first beaker and honey in the same way in the second beaker.
leave them undisturbed in your house or in a corner of the class.
record your observation.
what do you observe immediately after adding the ink drop.
what do you observe immediately after adding a drop of honey?
how many hours or days does it take for the colour of ink to spread evenly throughout the water?

We observe that the drop of ink diffuses in the water and that the drop of honey takes some time to fiffuse into the water and that it does dissolve immediately.
The colour of the ink spreads evenly throughout the entire water in a couple of minutes

  • 12
Ink diffuses quickly in the water whereas honey diffuses very slowly having high density.
  • 5
g0o too hell
  • -3
i think the anser is olreading in the book
  • -2
we observe that ink diffuses quiet quickly because the particles (molecules) of both water and ink are in continuos random motion and due to the motion the ink particles spread every where giving blue colour to water , but in the case of honey we see that it is little bit thick so the motion of the particles is quiet slow /less than that of the ink particles , so they take time to diffuse
  • 4
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