Tell me the reason why orange red colour changes to bright crimson red

Tell me the reason why orange red colour changes to bright crimson red Activity 1 1.3 a white light at the Of a This a light to through a gas' tank m? water or to through a a Obtain a Ot the hole • MN) using a lens as shown in • ZOO g Of in 2 Add to 2 Of — suWauric acid to the water. Wtut you obserw•? You will and sull*aur 2 to 3 minute* As sulphur particles begin to form: you Can observe the blue light from the three of the glass tank. is scattering or short minute colloidal sulphur the transmitted light from ty fourth tank the Circular hae It int

Dear Student,

This is occur due to Tyndal effect or scattering of light. It well describe by below:-

Scattering is the phenomenon by which a beam of light is redirected in many different directions when it interacts with a particle in the atmosphere. When sunlight strikes molecules in our atmosphere, the light is redirected in many directions. 

The blue light is scattered more than the red light causing the sky to be blue.

Red light has greater wave length than the others and hence less interacts with the particles in the atmosphere therefore scatters least. 


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Due to the paricles present in water.
Due to scattering of light.
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