thanks for answering my question but i did not understand anything so can you write an adjective noun- poem on for example winter so that i can understand how to do it . please answer me before friday.

Dear Student,

A sample poem has been written for you on a random topic. Notice the use of highlighted words as adjective-nouns. Try to frame an another poem on your own. 

The other day when I went to the study zone,

Suddenly, someone called me up on my mobile phone.

I said, “O ! please don't disturb me,”

What is the topic of your study?” asked he.


The topic of my study is Beauty,

You are calling from which city?

If you talk with me at present time,

It will not be a crime,

I will give you a present in cash or kind.

You are a kind person , give me some beauty tips,

O! all this took place in a dream that I murmured with my lips.

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