The diameter and height of a cylinder are same. If the curved surface area of the cylinder is 616 cm2, then find the radius of the base of the cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder is 1232 cm2 and the circumference of its base is 44 cm. If it is open at one end, then what
is its surface area?

Answer both in 1 thread. because i can't ask again n again. thanking you in advance.


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Priya I only know the answer to the second one
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Ok Peony give the 2nd answer.
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Dear Student,

the answer to the second question is-

vol. of a cylinder =

1232 = pi r^2 h

the circumference is a circle
44 = 2 pi r
44 =2 ×22/7 × r
Therefore, r =44 ×7/22× 2

Therefore, r= 7.


1232 = 22/7 × 7 ×7 ×h.
Therefore, h = 1232 /22 × 7
Therefore, h = 8.

Now, the cylinder is open at one end.
Therefore, the surface area of cylinder =

Therefore,S.A = 2× 22/7 × 7× 8 + 22/7 × 49.

Therefore, the total surface area of the cylinder = 406 cm^2

Peony Roy.

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I am still trying to find the answer of 1, if i get it I would surely share with you :D.
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I can't understand it Peony. The Formula for surface area is 2(lb+bh+lh) not any other. So Maybe your answer is wrong.
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It may happen to be wrong, but I tried my best to answer this question. :D
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I know
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It's okay for wrong.
That's really great that you atleast tried.

If you're on hangouts invite me on

Thank You.
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Sadeed then kindly answer me if you know.
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Please find this answer

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The answer is 468 cm2
Sadeed Siraj

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