The distance of railway station from Ankit house is 8 km750cm and from Dolly house is 12 on 158 cm .whose house is far from station and by how much


Assuming Distance of railway station from Dolly's house as 12 km 158 cm.

The distance of railway station from Ankit's house is 8 km 750 cm = (8 × 100000 + 750) cm = (800000 + 750) cm = 800750 cm

Distance of railway station from Dolly house = 12 km 158 cm = (12 × 100000 + 158) cm = (1200000 + 158) = 1200158 cm

Thus, we can see that distance of the railway station from Dolly's house is more than that from Ankit's house by (1200158 - 800750) cm = 399408 cm

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