"The drama, Julius Caesar, despite its name, emphasises more on Brutus than on Caesar or Antony, his decision and plight." Do you agree? Comment.

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

Though the play deals with Brutus and the conspiracy of the betrayers, the main character is Julius Caesar, who is the prime reason why the men plot the murder. The over-ambitious quality of Julius Caesar and his arrogance and pride inspire the men into the wrong doing. Therefore, it is comprehended that Julius Caesar cannot be replaced from the play. He forms the foundation of the play. The other men are employed to wipe out the evil within him.

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Yes . This is because Brutus was one of the most prominent figures in the Rome and a loved one of Caeser . Also after the death of ceaser he was the one who was going to get all the power and rule the Rome.

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