The elements with atomic numbers (Z) equal to 107 and 109 have been made recently. The element Z = 108 has not been made. Indicate the groups in which the above elements can be placed .

1. Element with atomic number 107 is Bohrium. It's electronic configuration is [Rn]5f​146d57s2. It belongs to Group 25.

2. ​Element with atomic number 108 is Hassium. It's electronic configuration is [Rn]5f​146d67s2. It belongs to Group 26.

3. ​Element with atomic number 109 is Meitnerium. It's electronic configuration is [Rn]5f​146d77s2. It belongs to Group 27.

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The element Z= 107 will be placed in the 7th group, Z =108 will be placed in 8th group and Z= 109 will be placed in the 9th group. The elements will thus belong to the d- block of the periodic table.

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