The English mathematician Augustus DeMorgan lived in nineteenth century(1801-1900).The over 40  year old mathematician made the following statement:"I was 'x' years old in the year x2."In which year was he born.

Dear student

Answer is : 1806Examining possible squares, we find:412=1681422=1764432=1849442=1936Clearly the only one which  makes sense in this would be 432=1849, So he was born in 1806

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43^2 = 1849
born 1806
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Augustus De Morgan was a British mathematician and logician. He formulated De Morgan's laws and introduced the term mathematical induction, making its idea rigorous.​ He was born in 27 June 1806.​
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It means that English mathematician Augustus Demorgan was borned in the year 1806 and as per my encyclopedia book it tell that he was born on 27th of june 1906
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