The expert has posted this answer to me while my biology teacher taught me that unusual growth of hair over ears is Y-linked.Will anybody explain how it is X-linked or Y-linked?

The expert has posted this answer to me while my biology teacher taught me that unusual growth of hair over ears is Y-linked.Will anybody explain how it is X-linked or Y-linked? 7:47 PM posted 1 day ago Dear student, 0.55K/s CE49% Hypertrichosis is the abnormal growth of hairs over the body. There are basically two types of hypertrichosis- one that is localised to some part of the body such as ears and one type of hypertrichosis occurs throughout the body. Alos known as werewolf syndrome. Yes it is X-Iinked. Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic. If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible. Regards

Dear Student,

Hair growing on the external pinna or on the helix of the external or internal ear is although considered to be linked with Y-chromosome as it is mostly seen in older men. But, the Y-chromosomal DNA binary-marker haplotyping experiment done on some Indians having hairs grown on ear revealed that Y-chromosome does not share any common DNA sequence. Therefore, it cannot be considered either as X or Y linked trait rather, it is a Sex-limited trait which is predominantly expressed and influenced by one or more autosomal loci in men as beard growth .
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.


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