The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of these lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example

God-like qualities are planted with us at birth. with in

They grow amid the thorns of our fault. Many of us a) .

look at ourselves and see only the thorn, the defects. b) ..

We despair, thinking such we cannot do anything c) . ..

good. We neglect to water a good within us, d) ..

and eventually it dies. We ever realize our potential. e) . . .

Some people does not see the rose within themselves; f) .

someone else must show it to them. One of the great gifts g) .. ..

a person can possesses is to be able to go past the thorns h) . .

in others, and find the rose within them.

a) faults

b) thorns

c) thinking that

d) water the good

e) we never realise

f) people do not

g) the greatest gift

h) can possess is

hope it helps

not sure if a) is ryt

thumbs up pleese

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Incorrect Correct

Dolphins are well known for her agility and playful behaviour. Eg. her their

It makes them a favourite of wild life watchers. Much species will(a) _____ ______

leapt out of the water rise vertically out of the water to (b) _____ ______

view their surroundings and follow ships, often synchronizing your(c) _____ ______

movements with one another. Scientists believed that dolphins conserve(d) _____ ______

energy as swimming alongside ships, a practice known as bow-riding(e) _____ ______

Dolphins live in social group of five to several hundred. They use(f) _____ ______

echo location to find prey and often by hunt together by surrounding a(g) _____ ______

school of fish, trapping them and take turns swimming through the(h) _____ ______

school and catching fish.

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of these lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example.

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